Writing on software design, meaningful solopreneurship attempts, and detailing my journey as a developer.

All of my long-form thoughts on programming, product design, and more, collected in chronological order.

Launching my VS Code Theme: Bagger Flow

For the longest time I have been expanding my settings and customizing my VS Code to make it feel like home. I finally took the time to package it all up and share it with the world. From my perspective I have created the most visually appealing and sensible theme for VS Code.

Generating TailwindCSS Color Palettes

Ever wanted to create aditional color palettes for your TailwindCSS project? This article will show you how to do it with a cool automation tool.

Manipulating VS Code Settings

We spend so much time in our editors, so it’s worth taking some time to perfect our configurations and explore the full potential of our applications. Lets do this for Visual Studio Code.