Launching my VS Code Theme: Bagger Flow

I'm thrilled to share my latest creation, the Bagger Flow Theme for Visual Studio Code. This theme offers a modern, colorful, and slick interface designed to enhance your coding experience with a clean and minimal dark aesthetic. Inspired by Tailwind Moon and GitHub Dark Mode, it ensures an eye-pleasing workspace for extended coding sessions.


To install, launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command:

ext install kikogoncalves.bagger-flow

Press enter when the prompt is ready. Check it out on the VS Code Marketplace. I'm committed to continuously improving this theme, so your feedback is invaluable. Happy coding!

Key Features

  • Enhanced Syntax Highlighting: Carefully refined colors to distinguish syntax elements clearly.
  • Frequent Updates: Regularly updated with community feedback to ensure the best experience.
  • Wide Language Support: Initial support includes HTML, CSS, JS/TS, JSX/TSX, and Ruby, with plans to expand further.