Cool things I’ve built across the years trying to leave my mark on this world.

Here are the projects I've worked on extensively, either solo or with significant contributions. Some are ongoing open-source projects, so if something catches your eye, feel free to explore, contribute, or suggest improvements.

Showing 17 out of 17 projects
  • VS Code Theme: Bagger Flow

    Jan 2024 - Present

    Bagger Flow is a Visual Studio Code Theme with a refined color palette combining elements of other popular themes and with a clean and minimal touch of the chef’s personal taste. Contains carefully customized and exhaustive support for JS/TS, JSX/TSX, HTML/CSS and Ruby. It was a long time coming and now it’s finally here. Currently available on the VSCode Marketplace.

    VS Code Theme: Bagger Flow: Media 1
  • Jumpseller Developer - Themes

    Oct 2023 - Present

    Although not a project per se, I have been working on the Jumpseller platform as a developer, creating and maintaining themes and their infrastructure for the platform. Jumpseller is an e-commerce platform that allows users to create their online store without the need for technical knowledge. Collaborated on storefront themes, and developed a Visual Editor and Code Editor for seamless customization as part of the Themes Team. Enhanced storefront themes architecture, driving e-commerce innovation with an adaptable system for theme creation and detailed customization. As you can imagine, the code for this project is private and company-owned.

    Jumpseller Developer - Themes: Media 1
  • BaggerUI


    Jul 2023 - Present

    Vast and growing collection of reusable, copiable and customizable ReactTSX components combined and saved from different projects. Take the code and build the project of your dreams. Inspired by RadixUI, HeadlessUI and TailwindUI.

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  • Guerner & Irmãos Website

    Jan 2023 - Sep 2023

    Website for Guerner & Irmãos, a textiles, technical fabrics, and building materials company, showcasing their products, mission, history and values.

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  • Finishers Hub

    May 2022 - Aug 2023

    The place for all finisher related content: chaotic, outrageous, lawless on the fence of criminality. Perfectly unbalanced. As all things should be. The most amusing and most personal project I have ever worked on.

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  • Time Table Selector

    Apr 2022 - Aug 2022

    A schedule planner for the University of Porto students. Plan your semester and course units with ease. Project developed under the Computer Engineering Student's branch and the data is provided by a SIGARRA web scraper.

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  • Analytics and Usability Dashboard for CMF's MES

    Feb 2023 - Jul 2023

    Dashboard with customized analyitical insights for web components inside Critical Manufacturing's MES, an application used for managing industrial shop floors. The dashboard presents organized data of user behavior patterns for developers to improve the usability of MES based on the evidence collected over time.

    Analytics and Usability Dashboard for CMF's MES: Media 1
  • Time Hopper (2D Game)

    Apr 2022 - Jul 2022

    3rd person shooter horde-like game built with Unity (3D). After a time-space anomaly that got you stuck in a violent loop, you must fight your way through different arenas, located in various locations and eras. Survive as long as you can, master all weapons and unlock all perk upgrades.Team of developers collaborated with graphic designers and sound engineers for a complete game experience. Team of 7 people (4 DEV, 2 SND, 1 GFX)

    Time Hopper (2D Game): Media 1
  • Virtual Assistant for MES

    Mar 2022 - Jun 2022

    A virtual assistant to facilitate navigation and interaction with Critical Manufacturing's MES. Created branding around the adopted project as a small startup named Robin.

    Virtual Assistant for MES: Media 1
  • Rushing B (2D Game)

    Feb 2022 - Apr 2022

    Endless scroller computer game where a student races across FEUP's main hall trying to get to class on time. On their way, they will face many different kinds of enemies and power-ups which will aid them in their journey.

    Rushing B (2D Game): Media 1
  • P2P Timeline Twitter Clone

    Nov 2021 - Feb 2022

    Peer to peer Twitter clone using Kademlia DHT.

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  • Health Checker

    Nov 2021 - Jan 2022

    A better way to get accurate health information. Users consult medically validated information related to health and diseases.

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  • Internet of Everything

    Oct 2021 - Jan 2022

    IOT Factory management and maintenance platform for simulations.

    Internet of Everything: Media 1
  • Tech Council

    Mar 2021 - Jun 2021

    Full stack collaborative Q&A app. Users to post questions and share answers for everything tech-related

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  • Mafia in Town

    Dec 2020 - Oct 2020

    Multi-agent system faction game resembling Mafia In Town or Among Us, that simulates a the story with a variable number of AI players.

    Mafia in Town: Media 1
  • Pet Nexus

    Oct 2020 - Dec 2020

    Pet adoption website built with all Vanilla technologies.

    Pet Nexus: Media 1
  • Fuse 3D

    Sep 2019 - Jan 2020

    A 3D environment with a board for 2 players to play Fuse. Game logic is done via requests to a Prolog server.

    Fuse 3D: Media 1