I’m Francisco. I live in Porto, Portugal where I’m busy crafting cool software projects.

I’m a 24 year old Software Engineer based in Porto. I have a Masters Degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering, from FEUP, the Factulty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP-MEIC).

I have a passion for software engineering as a whole with a fond interest in full-stack development. My preferred and best technologies or frameworks are React.js, Next.js, Javascript, Typescript and Tailwind.

Right now I am working as a full-stack developer at JumpsellerJumpsellerwhere I am working to improve the themes of e-commerce platforms and their customization/edition. If you’re interested in my profile reach me on LinkedIn, as I’m always interested in hearing about opportunities for a full-stack or frontend position.


Here’s a breakdown of my skills and experience in the tech field. I’m always learning new things and experimenting with new technologies, so this list is always changing. The progress bars are a rough estimate of my experience and familiriaty with each technology.

  • Git
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • TS
  • React.js
  • NodeJS
  • Python
  • Ruby/Rails
  • Java
  • Tailwind
  • Next.js
  • Gatsby.js
  • Vue.js
  • Angular
  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • SQL
  • Docker
  • GraphQL
  • Rust
  • React Native
  • Flutter
  • C/C++


Here’s a brief overview of my professional experience and education. I’m always looking for new opportunities and challenges, so feel free to reach out if you think I’d be a good fit for your team.


Here are the languages I speak and my proficiency level in each.

  • Portuguese: Native
  • English: Proficient, C1 Level, CAE 2016
  • Spanish: Intermediate Understanding
  • French: Basic Understanding


Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto

Bachelor and Master in Informatics and Computer Engineering

  • Completed both the bachelor and master degrees, finishing the masters’ averaging 18/20
  • Relevant bachelor coursework: Web App Development, Algorithms and Data Structures, Databases, Artificial Intelligence.
  • Relevant master coursework: Full Stack Development, IOT factory management, AI Assistant Web Navigator, P2P Timeline, Semantic Web App Development

Professional Experience

  • JumpsellerJumpsellerJumpseller

    Full-stack Engineer

    • Collaborated on storefront themes, and developed a Visual Editor and Code Editor for seamless customization as part of the Themes Team.
    • Enhanced storefront themes architecture, driving e-commerce innovation with an adaptable system for theme creation and detailed customization.
  • Critical ManufacturingCritical ManufacturingJumpseller

    Software Engineer Intern

    • Interned at Critical Manufacturing as a part of product development team. Work focused on collecting web analytics and usability metrics for Critical’s Manufacturing Execution System (MES) aiming to improve UI/UX. Dashboard preview deployed here.
    • Developed a custom dashboard for usability metrics in Critical MES, offering insights for its components. The dashboard democratizes the UX improvement process by scoring components and highlighting key metrics within them. Wrote a dissertation around this topic available here.